The Gardens

Ilex opaca / American Holly

Planted in 2012 in the yard on the east side of the house.

I had a large specimen of Ilex opaca, American holly, planted by Don Forde at Stonegate Landscaping in early 2012.  It replaces the Bradford pear that broke apart in the October snowstorm in 2011.
April 12, 2012

It is 7 feet tall, with a large root ball, way more than I could have planted myself, so we paid (a fortune) for this field grown specimen and to have it planted.  There is a strong central leader, and it has a nice shape, at least on this side.

September 7, 2012 - Limbed up to remove the awkward lower branches.
Wish it was branched to the ground, but the trunk is interesting and curvy

Branches are brittle and easily broken off. I have to be careful when pruning or moving near this tree.

Even without a nearby male, this holly has lots of berries. I don't know what is pollinating this tree. Would it have an even heavier crop of berries if I replant another 'Jersey Knight'?



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This is my "model", what I hope my American holly will look like some day, although mine isn't branched to the ground. This was a beautiful 12 foot tall specimen in an opening in the woods at Connecticut College:

You walk through the woods and then come upon this sunlit grassy opening with the American holly standing there so stately. Breathtaking.