The Gardens

Chelone obliqua or lyonii / Turtlehead

either Chelone obliqua or lyonii, not sure which

I got these divisions from Kit.  They are pink, but I don’t know if it’s obliqua or lyonii.  They are planted under the river birch in the back garden.

Turtlehead likes wet and shade, but even in the dry conditions competing with the birch and maple roots, it has spread and does okay.

In long dry spells they do wilt and suffer -- extra watering helps.

The deer nip the buds each year, but they are increasingly leaving the more mature plants in this stand alone.

9/3/11 Lovely delicate blooms 

9/11/11 finally in bloom after deer ate all the spring buds

This is an unassuming but very pretty plant in flower in late summer.



