The Gardens

Pinus mugo / Dwarf White Pine

Planted three in fall 2007.

The two in the Birch Garden are fat round little balls that stay very dwarf.  They are just behind the aronias, visible only in winter.

I also planted one at the side of the house to cover the foundation by the porch.

7/31/11 one of the two side by side at the back of the Birch Garden


Can you see the two dwarf white pines in the back of the Birch Garden in full summer? No? On the right under the Japanese maple? They are there, adding some dense bulk in the middle back of this chaotic garden, but are really getting overtaken now.
6/18/13 - can't even see the dwarf white pines -- they are there on the right, overtaken!

6/14/14 - next to a flowering goatsbeard at the back of the Birch Garden

Behind the bare-branched Rose of Sharon in early spring, you can see the dwarf white pine, quite large by 2015.

The pair of dwarf white pines in the Birch Garden are visible in early spring but get overrun and completely hidden by summer. These two are much smaller than the one on the east side of the house.

8/9/16 -- tucked in behind the Rose of Sharon is the dwarf white pine