The Gardens

Itea virginica / Sweetspire

Planted two fall 2007 and added two in 2010.

These are  'Henry's Garnet', all planted in the Birch Garden, I think they were from Gledhill?
Gorgeous fall color 10/11/2010

Elegant clean foliage, and late-holding deep vibrant red color in Fall. They spread out and sucker and need some chopping back. The stand of iteas is the central anchor in the middle of the Birch garden.

October 25, 2011 Henry's Garnet

The flowers are beautiful, white, and drooping in June.
June 6, 2012  Flowering is brief but quite dramatic

6/1/13  How pretty is this with 'Beverly Sills' iris, just before the itea blooms open!

6/20/14  In full bloom, with a white baptisia behind on the left

9/24/14  Stunning red fall color

The bitter winter left a lot of dieback in spring 2015. The entire stand of iteas was a twiggy mess, bare well into May. It leafed out very late in May, and then only the bottom third greened up. I cut off more than half, and thought this plant would not recover.

It did eventually leaf out, but looked raggedy even after all my pruning. Only the very bottom branches bloomed, and a cropped photo shows how pretty the spikes are, but not how partially bare the shrubs were.

Then, some time in the middle of summer, the stand of iteas filled out again and looked perfectly fine. By late September, as they began to turn red in fall, they looked like no damage had ever occurred

And as always, by late October the iteas were a beautiful stand of clear garnet red.

Now that the stand is so big, it forms a giant waterfall of flowers in June.