The Gardens

Picea Glauca / White Spruce

Planted in 2005. The builder put this in.  The first one died, but they replaced it in 2005.

It was planted too deep, and the lower branches died away.  Color was yellow green.

Great little tree to put Christmas lights on by the front door!

Bartlett did a root collar excavation in summer ‘07, and that helped tremendously.  In summer ‘08 it turned nice deep green... the root collar excavation in ‘07 really helped.

In 2010 it got pine weevil and the top leader had to be cut back.  I also needed to prune this by a third to start to control the eventual size of this monster at the front door.
9/9/2010 with pruned trimmings

It developed the curling top branches in 2010 and again in 2011, indicating pine weevil. To control it, the top branches have to be cut off.
6/2/2011 curled top is a sign of weevil

The pruning job held up well and in 2011 it was growing nicely in a shapely form.

It did not seem to develop the weevil problem in 2012.
4/17/2012  A nice backdrop to the red leaved Japanese maple


In 2013 a lot of new growth started sticking out all over, especially in the upper branches.

In the fall Jim and I trimmed the tree all over, and it came out barrel shaped, but much neater. And this controls for size somewhat.  This spruce is getting to be large, and it will get way too big in a few years. Our trimming is keeping it under control for a while yet.

This shows what a dense, dark mass the spruce has become next to the front door. There is still room for it to grow, but we'll need to keep trimming it for shape and for size.

The trimming we did in 2013 kept this big spruce tightly compact for all of 2014.

Spring 2015: I took out the cotoneasters below it -- they were getting crowded. This is going to be a big tree. Big.
