The Gardens

Oxydendrum arboreum / Sourwood, Sorrel Tree

Planted in spring 2007 from Moscarillo's.
   7/14/13                                                                                              9/29/13

   6/18/13                                                                                   9/29/13

Grows narrow, graceful.  May lean. SLOW, slow growing!
Brilliant red, with white lily of the valley flowers in fall that stay on the tree as the leaves turn red.
Needs acid soil.
Keep grass or competing plants away from roots, mulch well.

Some sources say it's hardy in zone 6 only, others say 5, but UCONN says young or recently moved trees lack full cold hardiness in zone 5, but adapt to zone 5 winters later after establishment.

In early spring 2012 I moved the little sourwood from its initial spot near the patio wall to the gravel garden.
6/18/12  It survived the transplant and is looking good!

6/18/12 - it's never looked better

This is an impossibly beautiful tree. It looks so much better at the edge of the gravel garden than it did by the patio wall.



It is one of the later trees to leaf out in spring.
Fall color is always spectacular.

Ever since I transplanted it to the gravel garden, it has been growing askew. The trunk is straight, but it branches higher on one side that the other -- I kind of like the graceful angle, but don't want it to get any more exaggerated than this.

The red fall color is so eye-catching. In full sun it is a deeper red, but on a cloudy day it is very bright pink red.

I painted the Mayan chairs red in 2015, and what an inspired move that was -- especially when the sourwood puts on its red leaves.

This is my favorite tree, especially in fall.
mid October in 2015

mid October in 2016