The Gardens

Carex / Sedge

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'

I planted several in spring 2011 in the back garden.

It has a mounding shape, and clean white stripes on the borders of the leaves.

It sends out runners around the main plant and will spread, so I am keeping after the runners, digging them out.

The dry shade under the maple may help control it too, since it likes wet conditions and can be pretty vigorous in wet areas.

They make shaggy starbursts of light foliage at the base of the maple.


In winter when there is no snow, the mounds of sedge do add a little light color at ground level. But by early spring they look like hay mounds and need to be sheared back.


I thought I would like these more. They do offer some greenery in the dormant winter garden, but I'm not crazy about them.

In 2015 I experimented with shearing some at winter's end, and leaving others uncut to fill back in in spring. Cutting them back was the way to go -- tidier, better regrowth, they looked nicer in summer.