The Gardens

Nipponanthemum / Montauk Daisy

Nipponanthemum nipponicum
I thought I’d like Montauk Daisy better ... good clean green foliage and substantial shrublike size.

It blooms in very late September, and is a nice white contrast with the deep red itea foliage in the Birch Garden.

Pinch off tips of new stem growth whenever it is 3 inches to 5 inches long.

Continue pinching as needed until mid-July. These really need pinching in order to control legginess.
October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010

They are a nice clear white contrast with all the fall reds and yellows nearby. I can see the form is opening and getting leggy.

Here is a good article on how to prune them to avoid floppiness. The advice is to treat Montauk daisy as a shrub, not a perennial, and avoid cutting it back to the ground. Take out older, long stems from the base, but don't shear it all back.

I did not do any selective pruning in 2014 -- I do need to try that. Instead I once again cut it all back, and it did flop and get leggy as usual once flowering started.
10/28/14 open and floppy in bloom, but 7/25/14 it's tidier in summer before blooming