The Gardens

Cercis reniformis / Oklahoma Redbud

Planted in fall 2005. Lost it in 2011, so it is now an Ex-Plant.

This is a western variety of Redbud with glossier leathery leaves.  I got it as a 5 gal. sapling from Forestfarm. and planted it right outside the guest room window on the west side.  It probably likes the less acidic building rubble in that soil, and it's near the driveway and pavers which add alkalinity.
April 16, 2010
A young redbud in June 2006

August 17, 2008

Don't let soil dry out.  Smaller than eastern redbud, will get to about 20 feet.
Even as a young sapling it had vivid magenta blooms all over in April.  Filling in great.  It even has a little lean, like it would at forest’s edge.  Really pretty at the guest room window.  Some fall color, not much, kind of a lime green yellow.
Showing greenish yellow fall color, 10/29/2010

The flowers are just stunning and a darker magenta than eastern redbuds.
This is why you plant redbuds!
The form is graceful, the leaves are glossy hearts.  A really nice tree!

May 9, 2011
May 14, 2011
Cercis reniformis just before the October 2011 storm
The day after the storm, October 30, 2011
September 9, 2012 - it's gone, and the space in front of the windows is empty

I won't replace this beautiful tree with anything tall in front of the windows now. We like the openness and having a view out into the yard. There is a small herbaceous caryopteris and a dwarf corylopsis under the windows now, and both will stay well below the level of the window.

By seed, Difficult to propagate from cuttings.