The Gardens

Cornus sericea / Redtwig Dogwood

Planted four in spring 2006 along the side of the front porch. These are 'Isanti', which stay smaller, to about 5 feet, but they are still big bushy spreaders.  I got them from Forestfarm.
Remove 20% of oldest brown stems (down to ground) in early spring for new red stem color. Or prune all stems close to the ground in early spring every 2-3 years to renew. The stand of stems look terrible when you do that, but by early summer they fill right back in.

May 1, 2010

In winter the red stems are gorgeous in the snow!  Beautiful full hedge by front door.
March 2, 2010

January 8, 2011

May 2, 2012

In fall ‘09  I put a couple cuttings from the front porch plants out by the dry creek bed and they have taken off.


Very pretty shrubs, but they will spread and take over, so keep them pruned back, and cut out the older stems to keep the ted color strong.
