The Gardens

Abies Koreana / Korean Fir

Planted Korean fir 'Silberlocke' in summer 2014, then moved it to the end of the gravel garden in 2016, next to a fothergilla and among a stand of pink mums.

It is a slow growing dwarf, and likely to stay mounded.

It was from Kevin's nursery before he closed. He told me he had propagated this himself, and because the parent plant was a mounder rather than a taller specimen he says my plant is likely to have a lower profile and stay rounded.

We'll see in 20 years.

All the pictures of mature ones show very pyramidal, structural trees.

Here is an example of what a 'Silberlocke' Korean fir will look like in maturity -- but if mine is more of a mounder as Kevin predicts, it won't be this shape or height at all.