The Gardens

Magnolia stellata / Star Magnolia

Planted Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' from Whiteflower Farm in spring 2011.

It is to the left of the arbor gate into the gravel garden at the top of the driveway. It should get about 15 feet high, and will be rounded, somewhat more like a large shrub than a tree.
March 24, 2012 -- blooming as a young transplant

It blooms profusely in late March or early April, and that means in many years a spring frost turns the white blooms to brown mush.


It turns yellow gold and mahogany in fall, well into late October. after the leaves fall off you can see the very fat, furry buds that have formed for next year. Without its leaves the elegant branch structure is visible.

It flowered well in April 2014.

It is leafy and full, and the shape is really elegant. It stays rich green well into October and then turns butterscotch. By late fall it gets rusty brown.


It's a star! And quite royal. Despite a bitter and long winter, blooming was beautiful starting in mid April of 2015 and going all the way into May.

In late April there was a nip of frost and a little browning, but not enough to stop the show. After the touch of frost new flowers opened and it all looked snowy white again.

In the beginning of May the petals started to drop but it still looked lovely.

It's a shrubby, small shape, barely bigger than the asters next to it, not yet tree-like in form. A pretty accent by the gate in all seasons. Here it is turning butterscotch colored in fall everywhere but in the middle.