The Gardens

Ilex / Inkberry

Planted six in spring 2011 to border the gravel garden sitting area. They are tightly planted in two clumps of three.

They are Ilex glabra 'Shamrock', which I got at Bosco's.  Leaves stay nice looking in winter unless temperatures get well below zero.

Prune for shape, and to keep them tidy in spring before any new growth starts. Inkberries can get leggy.

In spring, 2012 they got browned leaves, and in May blackened tips. Bartlett sprayed for leaf spot fungus (Ascomycete), and they improved and looked great the rest of the summer.
Spring 2012 Asomycete leaf spot fungus damage

In 2013 Bartlett treated them preventatively for leaf spot fungus, so I did not see any problems.

In winter they get laden with ice and snow, but they rebound when the heavy weight is removed. It never seems to damage their shape.

There has been no recurrence of the black leaf spot foliage issue. I'm trying to preserve the narrow path between the two plantings, but the hollies are filling that space in.

They are dark, glossy green and a nice contrast to the flanking red sourwood tree in fall.