The Gardens

Liriope muscari / Lilyturf

Liriope muscari
'Big Blue'

These are ex-plants now. I took them all out.

The idea was to have the whole curving front border of Meadow's Edge lined with these, to spill over the edge.  Some did well and have filled in.  Others were eaten or did not winter over.  So the effect is spotty.

These really need a little more shade, and they are competing with the maple tree's roots for moisture.  Not the best site for them.

I divided the bigger ones and added more, but the line of foliage was broken up, and in the end I replaced a lot with the more reliable sedum kamschaticum.

Where the liriope has done okay, it clumps and has bloomed in late summer with pretty blue spikes.

In late winter the foliage looks pretty bad, and I cut it back.

By 2012 I had decided to get rid of all but a clump or two. They did not work well as a long unbroken line of edging.

Most of the front of the border is now low groundcover sedum, with some Ice Dance sedges for the mounding look in a few places.

By 2013 I had taken all the liriope out, although I keep having to pull baby plants that pop up in the fleece flower and groundcover sedums.
