The Gardens

Helenium / Sneezeweed

June 29, 2010 with drumstick alliums
'Mardi Gras'

I got two of these, and both were labeled 'Mardi Gras', but one had nice red and orange blooms, the other was brown and yellow.  I removed the yellow brown one, and have since divided the orange clump to get a couple more.

'Mardi Gras' did well in the wet summer of 2008.  Heleniums like moist soil, and full sun, and need to be kept mulched and watered.  They were tall, bright sheafs and bloomed all summer.  In the hotter drier summer of 2010 they did not look as lush and full.

Pinch back in May to June (before flowers) to keep it low and bushy (or remove half of the whole plant mid June, (trim outer stems lower than inner for shape).  Deadhead in summer.  Don't fertilize, or it will get too leggy.