The Gardens

Dictamnus / Gas Plant (Dittany)


I'm waiting for this to do something.  It is very slow to establish, and doesn't like to be moved or disturbed.  (Of course I moved it once, to a more open spot in its first season, in '08 and then again in '10 to the left of the birch garden.)  It is still so tiny, and obscured by clumps of other things right now.

I do love the elegant, glossy green leaves, but have yet to see any flowers.  The picture is from MoBot.  You'd think the flower would be white (albus) but they will come in a mauve pink in spring, very pretty on upright stems.  The form will eventually be a mounded clumper, but mine is still small and wispy.

Leaves are supposed to have a lemony scent when rubbed, but foliage might give an allergic reaction.