The Gardens

Allium / Ornamental Flowering Onion

Allium moly & roseum 5/21/2010
Allium moly
Allium roseum bulbiferum
Allium sphaerocephalon

In fall 2011 I planted Allium "Graceful', 'Gladiator', 'Stratos', and 'Mt. Everest'

Got Allium 'Millenium' in 2014 -- blooms in August. I put some in the back garden under the maple.

Allium moly is also called Golden Garlic.  They are tiny, but in a big mass they have real impact.  I love them leaning out along the front walk and in the Birch Garden.

The roseum flowering onion, also called Rosy Garlic is very delicate, and needs to be seen close up.  Long blooming in spring, with whitish rosy tiny flowers.

My favorite: Allium sphaerocephalon.  Drumstick allium.  Nodding tight little heads on strongly vertical stalks.  They bob in the breeze.  They emerge green and slowly change to deep wine red.

They come out later than the other onions, in June and July.  Foliage is nondescript, but in front of other things, like a big sheaf of orange helenium or daylilies they pop.  A vertical statement.

Drumstick allium 6/28/10

Rosy garlic 5/10/12
Rosy garlic 5/14/12

Later I moved these globe alliums - 'Stratos', 'Gladiator' (purple) 'and 'Mt. Everest' (white) to the Driveway Garden.

5/24/12 Allium moly

5/31/12/ Allium moly

6/5/12 These are Allium 'Graceful' that I planted by the patio wall.
Small, but pretty.


The globe alliums that I moved front the patio wall to the Driveway Garden bloomed nicely despite their move.

And the drumstick alliums continued to be silly, sweet little things all over the gravel garden and scattered elsewhere.
6/12/13,  so graceful even as they hold their tight buds.

The big globe alliums are now all in the Driveway garden.

Rosy garlic continues to come up along the front walk, just starting to bloom as the amsonias are in flower. It's a pretty little bloom to see up close, but flowering is brief, and then the unattractive foliage is all you see so close up. Meh.
Rosy garlic just opening  5/28/14

The late spring bulbs, 'Graceful' by the patio wall and the cheerful Allium moly in the Birch Garden, were pretty but not very noticeable. You have to get up close to see them.
Allium moly -- just a few blooming 6/5/14                                     Allium 'Graceful' blooming 6/1814

5/19/15 globe alliums

The 'Gro-Low' sumac foliage covered up the decaying allium foliage, just as I had intended.

The sweet allium moly and rosy garlic bloom along the front walk at Memorial Day.

Here are the drumsticks by the gravel garden, standing up tall and ready to open.
6/14/15  getting ready to bloom


I like how the drumsticks by the patio wall leaned over to take a drink from the birdbath.

The summer blooming purple 'Millennium' alliums are lavender and the small size of the pompoms seemed a little washed out under the maple tree, but massing them helped.

I kept a container of them on the deck as well and actually liked them better in the pot where I could see them up close and where their small structured forms seemed more noticeable.