The Gardens

Scilla / Wood Hyacinth

Scilla campanulata

I bought these in  a box from Wade's and planted them in 2008 at the front edge of the Birch Garden.

These thrive on neglect.  The foliage is a strappy mound that disappears later.

All are coming up pale lavender now, despite the colors on the box that showed deep rose, cream and blue. It's a moody violet color, and not very dramatic, but the wood hyacinths are spreading out.



I always think these are going to bloom in earliest spring, but they don't come up and flower until the week before Memorial Day, along with the purple columbines, as the Birch Garden is already filling in. They are mostly lavender -- no rose, and very few cream color flowers.


(These are the colors on the box. Mine are not even close.)
box photo, not what mine look