The Gardens

Sedum / Stonecrop

'Frosty Morn' in bloom October 8, 2010
erythrostictum 'Frosty Morn'
     (also named spectabile)
kamtschaticum 'Weihenstephaner Gold'
rupestre 'Angelina'
spurium 'Red Carpet'
'Autumn Joy'

'Frosty Morn' is a variegated stonecrop that has white tinged fat leaves.  The blossoms emerge pinkish in cool weather, white if hotter.  Some foliage may revert to green -- I've had to cut off several reversions to keep the variegation.

It's a tall sedum, and prone to flopping.  

It needs pinching in early summer to prevent legginess, but even then it gets wobbly. There are a couple along the front walk, and a few in the back garden under the maple.

9/25/12 'Frosty Morn' (along the front walk it has lost its
variegation and reverted to all green)

'Frosty Morn' 6/17/16  The leaves revert to all green quite often

'Weihenstephaner Gold' has been a complete surprise.  Originally it was a small plant in a mixed container that I got at Lowe's. After the season I unpotted it and planted it, some along the front edge of the back garden and some in the middle strip under the blueberries and along the edges. It quickly multiplied, and became a lovely groundcover.  Flowers in late spring were clear golden yellow.
'Weihenstephaner Gold' first two weeks of June 2013

I now have kamtschaticum 'Weihenstephaner Gold' transplanted all along the edge of the Blueberry Garden as well as in the back garden. It blooms a happy yellow gold the first two weeks in June, then after the flowers go by it is a dense, ground-hugging rounded mat of glossy small foliage.

Even on a cloudy spring day it makes a bright pool of gold in various spots in the Blueberry Garden.

'Angelina' was another surprise, although I read about it and saw rave reviews before planting it.  I added it along the west walk as a ground cover to soften the edge of the stones, and it very quickly filled in.

The emerging spring color is bright chartreuse.  By midsummer it is a nice light green, and the fall color is a lovely rusty orange red.

'Angelina' July 20, 2010

It's so easy to add more, just snip a shoot and plant it.  I added them along the very back of the front walk garden, along the garage wall where it is sandy and dry, and they have spread.


Early 'Angelia' foliage (April 8, 2010)
'Angelina' is really bright gold and rust in late winter. It is the only color in earliest April, and it really stands out.
The flowers are a little unwieldy, as the stalks rise above the clean foliage, but I snip them off to keep a low profile for this plant.

'Red Carpet' is at the edge of the front walk.
'Red Carpet' in early spring April 21, 2011

'Red Carpet' blooming July 3, 2011

7/8/12  'Red Carpet' along the front walk

'Autumn Joy' is at the front of the Birch Garden. I did pinch it back a lot in early summer in 2013, but it still got large and then heavy and it flopped. I had to tie it up awkwardly with string.
'Autumn Joy' 9/24/13

Because of the floppiness, I took out 'Autumn Joy' from the front of the Birch Garden, and it reappeared here at the side, all softly rosy pink in late September!
'Autumn Joy' 9/28/15
