The Gardens

Origanum / Oregano

rotundifolium "Kent Beauty'

What a pretty foliage plant.  A very frilly effect, especially in a breeze as the little flower bracts nod and bob.  The small leaves are dark green and silver veined.

These can be used for culinary purposes, there is a definite oregano scent. But they are really ornamental plants.

The feminine pinkish bracts steal the show, but the leaves are also interesting: roundish dark green with fine silver veining that is quite prominent.

I have had these in pots about the garden and stored in the garage for winter (not reliably winter hardy here), but currently there are several planted in the back garden at the front edge and along the walkway under the bedroom window, where it's too shady and they are sprawling.


Mostly I have had this ornamental oregano in various pots over the years.
7/22/13  it looked ok at this stage, although shaggy, not rounded.
