The Gardens

Pinus strobus / Eastern White Pine

Planted in spring 2007
Added four more in  2009

I planted a nice specimen at the road cut, named 'UConn' that  I got from Gledhill. Considered a "dwarf" form, but in time it becomes a dense, rounded pyramidal tree to 20' tall.  It is distinctly tree-like.
'UConn' Nov. 18, 2010
Like all transplanted conifers, it was quite yellow at first, but by 2008 had greened up.

I added several very small Eastern white pines from Lowe's in 2009, planted around on the back hill.  Some are thriving, and leaping up, others are slower.  Here's one growing well in the meadow:
Nov. 18, 2010

 And here are the white pines the builder planted in 2006 in the cul de sac circle:
August 7, 2009

And the cul de sac circle in 2011, during the October snowstorm. The trees had no damage (and the linden next to them had only minimal damage).
October 29, 2011

'UConn' April 1, 2012.  Getting fuller, but it won't be as tall as species white pine

All of the white pines are bulking up fast. In 2013 the cul-de-sac pines completely obscure the view of our house as you drive down the road now.

There are a couple small ones I planted in the meadow that are too close together and need to be moved.

In 2014 'UConn' was larger but not very shapely. But it is doing its job of screening the road, along with the limber pine next to it.
'UConn' white pine - April 22, 2014

In 2014 I did move one of the too-close pines in the meadow -- I moved it over a few feet. Then I added a seedling white pine a friend had given me, so there will be a line of three white pines just behind Meadow's Edge, screening the yard from the meadow and road.

All three are still just barely peeking above the weeds in summer. But they grow so fast.
May 5, 2014
There, behind the bare black gum, you see the little white pine out in the meadow.
It will get huge quickly. Do I want it as a green backdrop for the pretty black gum?
Or will it, along with the other two out there, just be too much green screening?

I'm just not sure I want all that big greenery there. Will it be too much? Should I take them all out and allow more of a view into the meadow? Limb them up -- I've seen white pines shaped with open trunks at the bottom and they look good.


Up on the top of the hill, near the road, a little seedling I planted a few years ago is now a cute blob, growing quickly. It is centered in the distance between two of the spruces on the berm. It's just behind the Norway spruce, and carefully guards the daffodils. It's going to get huge. It will definitely screen the road.
May 7, 2014

The pines in the cul de sac are huge now, and are actually quite lovely next to the linden in fall.
October 30, 2014

In early spring the white pines on the back hill stand out. The little Norway spruce is to the left, 'UConn' white pine is in the foreground, and a species white pine behind. All are starting to create a screen to hide the road.


There were lots of cones on the upper branches of 'UConn' in late summer 2015.

By seed.