Planted a variegated 'Silver King' sweetgum in summer 2012 in the driveway garden.
I got it from Kevin's new nursery, Silver Spring. I had deliberately stayed away from planting a specimen sweetgum in the yard because of the gumballs that fall, but there was this pretty, glowing little tree, and I bought it.
May 2012 |
6/23/12 |
It lights up the area, with its creamy white margined leaves.
7/21/13 |
'Silver King' does not really color up all scarlet and russet bronze the way species sweetgum trees do in fall. It does turn a little yellow.
9/23/14 |
The foliage is strongly variegated and really nice. But it has brown scorching on it during summer. Bartlett is not sure if it is too much sun, or if the brown edges are from a bacterial or fungal problem.
early in summer the leaves look good, but by mid summer they have a lot of scorch |
10/30/14 |
6/20/15 |
The sweetgum's foliage has a cool effect, especially in front of the big dark ninebark in mid summer.
In 2015 it had nice yellow fall foliage for the first time -- a very good show.
10/29/15 |
Sweetgum trees hold their leaves very late, including this variety, and they are usually the last to drop in fall.
11/2/15 |