The Gardens

Deutzia gracilis / Slender Deutzia

Planted several in spring 2009.
Added three plants and multiple rooted cuttings in the years after initial planting.

These are 'Nikko', a low growing dwarf variety that spreads up to 4 or 5 feet wide, but stays only a foot or so high.  I got them at Farmington Valley Nursery.

A good groundcover. Several are planted between the walkway and the gravel garden on the west side of the house, and many are planted along the east foundation.
May 10, 2010

They are typically low and spreading, and as they mature they do cover about four feet of ground. But one, and only one, along the west walk seems to be much more upright, with branches that explode out from the top. It's the only one that does that. I pruned off the top branches and they came right back. Weird.
5/8/13  The one arching, upright deutzia
5/8/13 the more typical low, prostrate form

But regardless of form, they all bloom beautifully. Just amazing in mid May to mid June. What an explosion of frilly white flowers.


In summer, after the flowers are gone, they become a background plant, just a medium green ground cover with small leaves that is not noticeable. But it does a wonderful job of smothering weeds and providing a clean looking cover, spreading easily by ground runners once it's mature.

In fall the foliage turns a rusty red, but then darkens quite a bit, so the color at ground level is not intense, but it does have moments of red.

The stems root where they touch ground, so I dug several up and ended up with about a dozen tiny little plants to create a ground cover of deutzias along the east side.

This plant is slow growing for the first three years, then spreads out nicely.

It's such a workhorse -- a lovely ground cover, spectacular in spring as it flowers, and a background filler that mounds and drapes nicely all the rest of the summer. No weeds get through, and once it establishes it covers an area.


And here it was under the Rose of Sharon on the east side.


In 2015 we had a small stone wall built all along the east side. The rooted cuttings I had added from the other deutzias in the garden were still little in 2015 but will spread out to cover the area inside the wall.

I could fill my gardens with this pretty plant.

Easy to dig up rooted stems and replant anywhere a no-care ground cover is needed.